+880-1678-128-527 +880-1794-281-898
|General Donate|    
|Pay Zakat|

Al Sadaqah General Donation Fund

This Fund will be used to Support Running Issues on Their Priority Basis as Per our Judgement and Choice and also may be used to Meet up running cost and other overhead cost associated with the activities as Sadaqah trust need money for operation and building awarness among people.

Donate Us
If you Want to Check Our Running Issues or Donate to a specific issue as per your Choice, Please Go to Our Issue Page and Donate..
If you Want to Confirm Your Donation By Phone please call either +880-1678-128-527 +880-1794-281-898 or you can email info@sadaqah-trust.org


You can deposit Cash or cheque to our
Account Name : Al Sadaka Welfare Trust
A/C no : 178.110.0018481
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd
Progati Sharoni Branch, Dhaka 1212


Our BKASH Number : 01942847845

Let start doing your bit for the world. Donate a little.